Are you interested in learning how to create beautiful and unique skins and facial add-ons on second life for your Evox Heads and Shared Maps? Look no further! This course is designed to take you through the whole process step by step, from getting the developer’s kit to creating your own high quality textures for starting your own store.

First, we will cover the basics of Photoshop with Face Aware feature functionalities. You will learn how to work around with the 2D UV kit and also the 3D Mesh head kit. The Photoshop Face Aware feature will help you change facial details by detecting the eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, chin and the width of the whole face, which will be extremely useful to fit the desired photo reference onto the 2D UV area and also the 3D Area to make your work easier .

Next, we will show you how to make a whole face texture skin using image projection into the 3D mesh head on Photoshop. We will cover important topics such as retouching, fixing, mirroring, using another image sample to change specific facial features, and blending on the skin using common tools and Evox head mask blenders. We will also provide hints on how to get around common troubleshooting issues that might occur during the process.

After you have created your masterpiece, we will teach you how to take your vendor pictures and put your product up for sale. We will cover basic photo preferences, shots, and vendor creating how-to's. Additionally, we will show you how to create basic bakes on mesh layers on the 2D UV layer to start your second life store from ground zero.

Our course consists of 100% video lessons, so you can follow along at your own pace. We will be using Photoshop CC 2019 with 3D and Face Aware Liquify features. Please note that Adobe has dropped the Face Aware feature in some newer versions, so be sure to check that you have the required version before continuing.

Finally, we will teach you how to blend the face skin onto designated stores developers kit using Velour’s base skin tones and textures examples. You will be able to put your work up for sale on second life Marketplace and start earning money with your unique creations. New Learning Content and Bonus Material Are Always Been Added To The Course. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn new skills and take your creations to the next level!


The Whole Course Was Intended To Use On Evox Heads And/Or Shared Maps, Although

The Techniques Shown Might be Useful To All Heads On The Grid !




SPECIAL CASES : Artificial intelligence (AI) using AI Mesh generators to Craft an EVOX Second Life Skin 


Meshy. ai referral FOR FREE CREDITS :   =


Experiment on the new AI artificial intelligence mesh generator to create texture upon the mesh using the EVOX. It is located in Chapter 3, part named "SPECIAL CASE: Artificial intelligence (AI) using AI Mesh generators to Craft an EVOX Second Life Skin. If you'd like to see how I managed to play around with this feature, enroll in my lessons below. new case added! meshy ai 4.0


#lelutka #evox #evolution #extreme #evo #x #akeruka #face #skin #creating #course #lesson #photoshop #brushes #air #uv #map #projection #3d #2d #mesh #head #second #life #learn #how #to #create #make #craft #texture #diffuse #earn #money #on #game #video #games #assemble #body #create #metaverse #kit #dev #kit #open #source #create #learning #earn #store #waltktrough #Linden #dollar #ai #blender #mesh #head #body #Artificial #intelligence #course #full #complete #lab #tools #VirtualWorldDesign #AIGeneratedContentGames


Start now creating stunning Second Life's Video Game Metaverse whole face skin textures for “lelutka” Evox mesh heads with adobe photoshop like a professional. new subtitled translated lessons in several languages! ( Check Curriculum at the end of the page ) English


Comece agora a criar impressionantes texturas de pele de rosto inteiro do metaverso de videogame do Second Life para cabeças de malha Evox “lelutka” com o adobe photoshop como um profissional. novas aulas traduzidas e legendadas em vários idiomas! (Ver Currículo no final da página) Português


Inizia ora a creare straordinarie trame della pelle del viso intero Metaverse del videogioco di Second Life per le teste mesh Evox "lelutka" con Adobe Photoshop come un professionista. nuove lezioni tradotte sottotitolate in diverse lingue! ( Controlla Curriculum alla fine della pagina ) Italiano


Commencez dès maintenant à créer de superbes textures de peau de visage pour le jeu vidéo Metaverse de Second Life pour les têtes de maillage Evox "lelutka" avec Adobe Photoshop comme un professionnel. de nouvelles leçons traduites sous-titrées en plusieurs langues ! (Vérifiez le programme à la fin de la page) Français


Comience ahora a crear impresionantes texturas de piel de cara completa del metaverso de videojuegos de Second Life para cabezas de malla Evox "lelutka" con adobe photoshop como un profesional. ¡nuevas lecciones traducidas subtituladas en varios idiomas! (Consultar Currículum al final de la página) Español


Beginnen Sie jetzt mit der Erstellung atemberaubender Second Life-Videospiel-Metaverse-Hauttexturen für das ganze Gesicht für „Lelutka“-Evox-Mesh-Köpfe mit Adobe Photoshop wie ein Profi. Neue mit Untertiteln übersetzte Lektionen in mehreren Sprachen! (Überprüfen Sie den Lehrplan am Ende der Seite.) Deutsh


现在开始像专业人士一样使用 adobe photoshop 为“lelutka”Evox 网状头创建令人惊叹的 第二人生 视频游戏 元宇宙 全脸皮肤纹理。 多种语言的新字幕翻译课程! (查看页面末尾的课程) 中文


Начните прямо сейчас создавать потрясающие текстуры кожи всего лица из видеоигры Second Life Metaverse для сетчатых голов «lelutka» Evox с помощью Adobe Photoshop, как профессионал. новые переведенные уроки с субтитрами на нескольких языках! (Проверьте учебный план в конце страницы) Русский


アドビフォトショップ を使用して、プロのように、エヴォックス の レルトカ メッシュ ヘッド用の見事な 第二の人生 ビデオ ゲーム メタバース フルフェイス スキン テクスチャの作成を今すぐ始めましょう。 新しいレッスンは複数の言語に翻訳され、字幕が付けられています。 (ページ下部のカリキュラムを参照) ポルトガル語     日本語


=>New lesson on how to use the substance painter+ the new lelutka developer's kit to craft your skin from ground zero. ( available on chapter 3)
Fast Creating Evox and Shared Maps skin using a generic face picture and substance painter’s warp tool to fit the Image’s Samples On Evox Mapskin. 


( update ) How to assemble a full body dummy using blender update for working on substance painter to craft skins tattoos and add-ons 

Facial only tattoos and add- ons

Full body dummy example Creation update using the correct udims to work on substance painter evox Heads +bodies!

Chapter 1 : Presentation


Chapter 2 : Getting The Dev Kits And prepare to work

-Downloading The Developers Kit 2D and 3D Templates

-Preparing Templates To Work

- Getting To Know The Templates, The Face Aware Feature AndThe 3D Projection Head

-Extra Hints On How To Prepare for The Texture Craft 


Chapter 3 : Full Face Skin Creating

- Full Face Image Projection On the 3D Head

- Pixel Projection Correction

- Full Skin Correction

- Airbrushing Technique

- Using Another Face Feature Sample

- Angles And Lightning Reference Image Tips

- Texturizing The Face

- Erasing The Eyebrows

-  Full Face Creation Case #2 Dark Skin Tone Reference Image Lil Nas X *

* This Video Was the Whole Process I took to craft The Montero skin

No edit and No cuts, showing Some Extra Troubleshooting and Fixing.

-  Full Face Creation Case #3 Asian Male Skin

-  Full Face Creation Case #4 Pocket Multi-lingual Case - Davidson Obennebo ( Translated )


Chapter 4 : Blending The Face Texture Into Velour's Base Tones

- Last Few 3D Tips

- Blending The Face Skin Onto Designated Stores Developers Kit Using VELOUR’s Base Skin Tones And Textures Examples


Chapter 5 : PhotoShoot , Vendors And putting out your work to sell

- Basic Photo Shooting And Windlight Tips

- How To Create Your Vendors

- Putting Your Work To Sell On Marketplace


Chapter 6 ( Extras ) : Making Basic Bakes On Mesh Add-Ons Using the 2D Template

- Eyebrows

- Lipstick

- Freckles

- Eyeshadow


Chapter 7 : Complementary Material

Photoshop Basics For Beginners( Tools, Blend Modes, How To ,Tips And Tricks Etc )


Chapter 8 Extra : How To Blend The Designated Stores Skintones Easier With EVOX


Chapter 9 : Complementary Meterial Various



*  How To Assemble a Personal Full Body Dummy  Using A Sluv Based Developer's Kit Body Mesh  + Lelutka Evox Head For General Tattoos Or Add-ons


Chapter 10 : HAIRBASES EVOX + SCALPZ By Unorthodox + Download Material + Full Lessons Evox Regular + Scalpz

[ SCALPZ + EVOX HAIRBASE GUIDERS] ( Maps Show Off And Download )


Hairbases Full Lesson Lelutka Evox Regular Textures( bakes on mesh) ( Evox uv map)

Hairbases Full Lesson Unorthodox's SCALPZ Textures( SCALPZ uv map)

Hairbases Full Lesson Unorthodox's SCALPZ THE HUD MAKING!




* Disclaimer I will Never Give Out The 3D Mesh Developer's Kit to Anyone on The Grid! Put  Your Store Together. Then Apply to The Intended Head Store Of Your Wish. ( Lelutka Take Some days To Respond so be patient) the kits are FREE And possibly will ever be. Read Lelutka's Website. Plus Akeruka Has It's Own Kit Made Public And Totally FREE ! Watch The Video Above!


New Hairbases Lessons!

This chapter covers the entire process, starting from selecting the reference image and preparing the texture for projecting it onto the mesh head , troubleshooting any issues, refining the result, and creating the Scalpz Hud. The end result will be a complete hairbase that can be sold. The chapter also includes free full perm textures that can be sold or modified, including a PSD file with the preparation texture for experimentation. The lessons are detailed and include helpful texture guides. Any issues that arise during the process will be fixed.



Some of you guys asked for the separate lessons of only the hairbases chapter, so I uploaded the lessons to Gumroad.

* note that I can't add more payment methods or unlock through linden dollars payments for now.




Benefit from the discount NOW!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds


* Earn Money in the Metaverse - Become a Second Life Skin Entrepreneur: Sell Your Creations & Make Money

 * Metaverse Must-Have - Create Your Dream Avatar: The Ultimate Guide to Second Life Skin Creation

 * Second Life Skin Creators - Master the Metaverse: Create Stunning Evox Skins

 * Unlock Your Creativity: Design Pro-Level Skins for Lelutka Evox Heads

 * Video Game Asset Creators - Level Up Your Skills: The Ultimate Guide to Skin Creation

 * Second Life Skin Creator Masterclass: From Beginner to Boss (This course is essential for anyone serious about skin creation)

The course is designed for aspiring Second Life skin creators, whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills. This course is essential for anyone serious about skin creation, empowering you to create stunning Evox skins, unlock your creativity, and even turn your passion into a profitable venture within the Metaverse. ( some prior Photoshop knowledge preferred )


Includes Bonus Download Material  :

+ 20 Skin , Hair And Effects Brushes For Photoshop

14 Skintones Skin Face Blenders For Easier Match The Tones!

Seamless Skin Textures  To Help Terturize The Face.


Discover your potential Artist , Start Learning Today!

develop Your talents and Pursue Your professional objectives In the Virtual Worlds And Metaverse Market!

Willing to Pay With Linden Dollars?

Paypal/Credit Card Not Passing?

I Can Manually Unlock The Full Course, Through In-World Payment! 1- First The Student Need to SIGN -UP and ENROLL ( Right Upper Corner ) on the Course! (click on The Free Preview, then go To your Dashboard To Check If The Course Is there). done That 2-Contact me In-World, If I'm Not Online, Reach Me On Facebook, Or Even Instagram. I Will Log On Second Life The Sooner I Can To Complete the Transaction. ( 10 Thousand Lindens Current Price ) Ask me How on Facebook : / or on Discord : Lisle Canning ( Miss Canning )#0745 / Instagram : Or Even In-World Through IM or Notecard ( Lisle Canning )
pay course in linden dollars



In Case You're Lost, To Watch The Free Preview After you Signed Up And Signed In To Your Account, ENROLL Then  just Go You Dashboard and Play The Course! I WILL ALWAYS UPDATE THE FULL LESSONS WITH NEW CONTENT, HINTS AND TIPS FREQUENTLY! ~ Lisle :)



Lisle Canning

Lisle Canning is Rick Artemii's 3D Art, Mesh And Texture Creator Alter Ego In Second Life's Platform. Having Deep Passion For Aesthetics, Character development, improvement And General Art Endearment, Working As Theater Actor, Professional Hairstylist , Graphic Designer, Filmmaker, Video Conception and Editing. [:: Miss Canning :: Is a Second Life Male And Female Clothing, Apparel, Accessories, Skins And Props Store Established in 2010.]


“I've been wanting to start my own Second Life store for a while, but I didn't know where to begin. This course was exactly what I needed. The instructor explains everything in a clear and concise way, and the videos are easy to follow along with. I was able to create my own vendor pictures and start selling my products on the Second Life Marketplace in no time. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to start their own store”

Sarah L.

“I was hesitant to take this course at first, but I'm so glad I did. While I had some prior experience with Photoshop, I had never worked with the Evox Heads Maps on Second Life before. The instructor does a good job of explaining the basics and guiding you through the process, but I did find some parts a bit challenging. However, with some practice and patience, I was able to create my own unique skins and facial add-ons. Overall, I would recommend this course to anyone interested in improving their skills on Second Life.”

Michael B.

“I recently completed this course and I have to say, I was really impressed. As someone who had no prior experience with Second Life or Photoshop, I found the videos to be easy to follow along with and the instructions were very clear. The Face Aware feature in Photoshop was a game-changer for me, and I was able to create my own high-quality textures and start my own store in no time. The instructor also provides great tips and tricks for Solving Common issues occur during the process, which was incredibly helpful. Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their skills on Second Life.”

Emily R.


Course curriculum

    1. Presentation

    1. Preparing your materials to begin


    3. *UPDATE(AKERUKA ) Converting Akeruka Dev Kits Files, Setting The UDIMS, To Work With The Meshes On Substance Painter

    1. Case #1 Full Face Skin Creating, Corrections and texture blending

    2. Case # 2 Full Face Skin Creating Dark Skintone Reference Image Lil Nas X

    3. Case # 3 Full Face Skin Creating Asian Skin Reference Image Seong Jin PArk

    4. = > SUBSTANCE PAINTER 1 - Basic Fast Projecting Lesson Using Substance Painter´s Warp tool ( Complementary material ) Skin Ready in less Than an hour!

    5. = > SUBSTANCE PAINTER 2 - Basic Fast Projecting Lesson Using Substance Painter´s Warp tool *UPDATE NEW LELUTKA DEVELOPER'S KIT!

    1. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - ENGLISH

    2. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - PORTUGUESE - PORTUGUÊS

    3. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - ITALIAN - ITALIANO

    4. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - FRENCH - FRANÇAIS

    5. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - GERMAN - DEUTSCH

    6. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - SPANISH - ESPAÑOL

    7. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - CHINESE - 中文

    8. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - RUSSIAN - Русский

    9. CASE # 4 Davidson Obennebo - JAPANESE-日本語

    10. SPECIAL CASE Artificial intelligence (AI) using AI Mesh generators to Craft an EVOX Second Life Skin example

    11. SPECIAL CASE Artificial intelligence (AI) #2 using AI Mesh generators to Craft an EVOX Second Life Skin example

    1. The Velour Kit + Extra hints

    2. Complementary Material (update) : The Velour Kit - Blending Your Face Texture To the Velour Head Mask Base Textures Using The Adjustment Layers

    1. Shots And Vendors

About this course

  • $19.90
  • 41 lessons
  • 67 hours of video content